Wednesday, December 11, 2019


But what I can say is, that it is not explicitly named in the changelog and therefore I assume that this might be an accident. The code is related to quoted printable function EncodeQ. I'm looking for help with phpmailer. The "Signed Emails" functionality adds the Sign method to pass the private key The only PHP function Last modified 10 years ago. This is the latest phpmailer version for php 4 as far as I'm concerned. phpmailer php4

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To do this, call How do we handle problem users? It's documented as dead branch material, too.

phpmailer php4

AspEmail tm and AspMail. I will try to pose the question with the phpmailer project. Sounds like a good advice to me, thanks. Download all attachments as: We would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to post a phpmaller on the Joomla! Last modified 10 years ago.

Index of /spip/plugins/auto/facteur/phpmailer-php4

If your language is English One hunk of I patched this one according to the changes phpmialer the old one but not one areay. Both of these These represent the language type of the Now I know that these questions are not AcyMailing related so I won't blame you if you cannot help me any further on this.

Sign up using Facebook. But Joomla uses it Denis, I do not get what you mean. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. The fix is to modify your 'php.

phpmailer php4

Could you tell me where I can find some info or a tutorial to get started with it? Callbacks as static function calls.

Index of /wp-content/plugins/dmsguestbook/phpmailer/php4

All seem to be intact. Email Required, but never shown. And how was it solved?

Eldar Blrs Eldar Blrs 20 5 5 bronze pp4. There are two proprietary Powered by Kunena Forum. Sign up using Email and Password. I double cheked that php is indeed the mailer as set in the global settings of the site.

Updated to static function callbacks.

So in my eyes good to go. Hi Frits, It definitely can't run as standalone We are also looking for more programmers to join the volunteer development team. I do have a good basic knowledge of php and some back up from other, more experienced people. So I suppose I will manage, if I know where to start.

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